Born; Milwaukee, WI, 1932. The family moved to Omaha, NE in 1940, Omaha U, 1954, BA.  Art Center School, 1955-56,  I studied with some local professional artists.  Employed in the art department of Bozell & Jacobs Advertising Agency.  Came to NYC 1959 with, at that time, my husband, Jay Milder. Met many painters, poets, musicians and was in some  Happenings.   Showed in 10th Street Galleries, Traveled to Europe, 1961. Had a solo show at  Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1962. Represented in the “Women Choose Women” NY, 1963. Curated 7 Women Show in New Orleans 1974, Showed my animated films  in 1984 in  NYC & Provincetown.  Masters from CUNY, 1988.  I was in many shows of paintings in NYC at the Westbeth Gallery and the Carter Burden Gallery, some were solos.  Showed at the AMPartmarket Gallery in Provincetown in 2018.  Represented by the Carter Burden Gallery, NYC; AMP Gallery, in Provincetown; The Hemley Gallery, Israel; Part of Two by Two Media, Founder, Gigi Stoll.

Reviews: The New York Times, The Village Voice and The Staten Island Arts Examiner.

Raised my 3 children and now have the joy of 3 grandchildren.

I have a large group of beloved collectors.